Iannotti Flowers

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Shower Mom with blooming expressions of your love and appreciation this Mother’s Day. Start by choosing a beautiful flowers for mom to send on her special day, then match your bouquet with a pressed flower card design. Here’s all the inspiration you need to make the gorgeous handmade pressed flowers card Mom will keep forever:

Choosing the Perfect Flowers for Pressing

If your mom has a favorite flower, that’s the bloom to use! Otherwise, you can choose from the top flowers for Mother’s Day, which are roses, lilies, orchids, tulips and peonies. Keep in mind that the better the flowers look when you pick them, the more vibrant and life-like they’ll be after they’ve been dried and pressed. Another pro tip from Better Homes & Gardens: Flowers with naturally flat blooms are easier to press. Think violets, daisies and rose petals.

Pressing the Flowers

Once you’ve settled on the flowers, you can dry and flatten them with a proper flower press from your local craft store. Otherwise, use the pages of a heavy book to press the petals. Make sure to line the pages with parchment paper or coffee filters, then carefully place the flowers. Close the book and leave the flowers undisturbed for about a week to 10 days. You can stack a few books on top for extra weight if necessary. Next time you open the book, you’ll have perfectly flattened petals to decorate Mom’s card!

Creating the Pressed Flower Design

You’ll want to use watercolor paper or cardstock for a sturdy base. Outline the perimeter of your card with a pencil so you have a general idea of how much space you can work with. Arrange the blooms as you wish, then use white craft glue to adhere them to the paper. As you’ll be working with delicate petals, it can be easier to arrange them with tweezers and use a small paintbrush to apply the glue. Cover your design with wax paper, then place a heavy book on top. Leave overnight to secure the petals in place. Once dry, follow your pencil guide to cut the card out.

Following Tips for Flower Pressing Success

Keeps these golden tidbits in mind to get your card right the first time:

  • Choose the size of your card based on the shape and size of envelopes you already have in the house.
  • Arrange and glue down your design before cutting the card. This gives you more space to get crafty before committing to the final size.
  • Use a proper paper cutter or precision craft knife for crisp edges.
  • Write your message on a separate piece of paper, then glue it onto the card. That way, if you make a mistake, it won’t ruin the entire piece.
  • If you don’t trust your penmanship, choose a fun font and type out your message to print and attach to the final card.

Your mom will love how much time and effort you put into her gift – plus, the pressed flower card will preserve the glorious petals far beyond the life of her flowers.

Stay tuned for more DIY flower ideas.

JIF Jack Iannotti Flowers

1117 Main St.
Coventry, RI 02816

​​(401) 822-4440



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